Leadership & Governing Bodies
Sheridan College is a publicly-funded institution overseen by a Board of Governors, consisting of both appointed and elected representatives. The day-to-day administration of the institution is led by the President and CEO, and an Executive Team.
Office of the President
Student success is at the heart of what we do. From comprehensive student services to dedicated faculty and hard-working staff, our mission is to ensure that our students graduate with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in a rapidly changing world.
Board of Governors
The Board of Governors establishes appropriate governance and risk-management strategies to ensure Sheridan’s strategic objectives and outcomes are met, its assets are protected, and its long-term growth and sustainability are assured.
Office of the Provost & VP Academic
The Provost and Vice-President Academic provides support and leadership to the academic community at Sheridan.
Office of the Vice President, Administrative Services
The Office of the Vice President, Administrative Services supports Financial Services, Human Resources, Information Technology, Facilities and Sustainable Infrastructure, Security and Risk Management, Ancillary Services and Procurement across all three of Sheridan’s campuses.
Office of Inclusive Communities
Fostering inclusion is truly a shared responsibility. We invite you to actively embed inclusion and equity into your spheres of influence at Sheridan and beyond. This is our shared vision — together, we will create a community where everyone is bringing their full potential and experiences, knowing their unique contributions are valued.
Student Union
The Sheridan Student Union (SSU) is an organized body that represents Sheridan students. It builds community through on-campus clubs, events, services, and networking activities.