English Proficiency Assessment
Some applicants are required to successfully complete an English language proficiency assessment to determine their eligibility to meet Sheridan’s admission requirements. Below are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the assessment as well as some sample assessment questions.
View more information about the English Proficiency Assessment and/or sample assessment questions.
Frequently asked questions
- What is the English Proficiency Assessment?
- Why do I need to take the English Proficiency Assessment?
- What is the assessment fee?
- What do I need to bring?
- Where and when can I take the English Proficiency Assessment?
- How will I know the results of my English Proficiency Assessment?
- What English language skills does the English Proficiency Assessment measure?
- What topics appear in the English Proficiency Assessment?
- How can I prepare for the English Proficiency Assessment?
- What do the English Proficiency Assessment scores look like?
- What scores do I need to pass?
- If I don’t pass, what are my options?
- Descriptions of Band Levels: Listening and Reading
- Descriptions of CLB Levels: Canadian Language Benchmarks – Writing
- Helpful Hints
What is the English Proficiency Assessment?
The English Proficiency Assessment is an assessment instrument used at Sheridan to evaluate the English language proficiency of applicants who have applied for admission to Sheridan programs.
The English Proficiency Assessment consists of Reading and Listening and Writing Assessment.
The results of the English Proficiency Assessment administered at Sheridan are non-transferable and can be used exclusively for the purpose of admission to Sheridan programs. The results that you receive cannot be reported to any other institution.
Why do I need to take the English Proficiency Assessment?
All applicants whose first language is not English must meet Sheridan’s English proficiency requirements.
Some applicants to Sheridan’s programs are required to complete the English Proficiency Assessment to determine if they meet the admission requirements.
After you apply to Sheridan, a notification will be posted in your Applicant Portal and you will receive instructions by email if you are required to complete English Proficiency Assessment.
Applicants who choose not to take the English Proficiency Assessment and whose first language is not English would meet the language requirement for most Sheridan postsecondary programs by completing the English Language Studies – English for Academic Purposes program.
What is the assessment fee?
The cost of the EPA is $50. If you are writing in person, the fee is payable at the Assessment Centre by Canadian debit card only before testing begins. If you are writing the test virtually, you will receive an email with instructions on how to pay for your test online.
What do I need to bring?
- Valid photo ID
- Canadian debit card to pay the test fee
- Applicants who have been invited to complete the EPA will be required to show Assessment Centre staff proof by logging in to their Sheridan Portal listing the tests required. In some cases, applicants will receive an email from Admissions outlining the same. If you haven’t received a testing requirement notification, please contact one of the Admissions Offices in your Applicant Portal, Admissions Help Centre link on the portal main page.
Technical requirements for virtual testing
To ensure that your test runs smoothly, please check that your computer or laptop is equipped with the following technical components:
- A webcam
- Audio and headphones
- Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Please do not use Safari.
- Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10; Server 2008 R2, 2012 (32 or 64-bit) with .NET 4.0 or higher and the latest updates OR The latest build of macOS: Yosemite (10.10), El Capitan (10.11), Sierra (10.12), High Sierra (10.13), Mojave (10.14), Catalina (10.15)
- Broadband connectivity to the Internet (i.e., T1, cable modem, ISDN or DSL)
- Audio Player (Windows Media Player or VLC) and Microsoft Word
Where and when can I take the English Proficiency Assessment?
Applicants can take the test in person at an Assessment Centre location that is convenient for them by visiting one of the links below. It is not mandatory to complete the test at the campus where their program is located.
HMC Campus – Mississauga: hmcac.as.me
Trafalgar Campus – Oakville: trafac.as.me
Davis Campus – Brampton: davisac.as.me
Applicants who live internationally, out-of-province, or don’t live within a driveable distance to a Sheridan campus can request to complete their test virtually from home while connected online through Zoom to an Assessment Centre Specialist. Virtual tests are approved on a case-by-case basis. Request a virtual test.
How will I know the results of my English Proficiency Assessment?
Your results will be available on your Sheridan Application Portal in approximately 5 business days. You can view your results when you log into your Sheridan Application Portal beside your application status.
The results of the English Proficiency Assessment administered at Sheridan are non-transferable and are used exclusively for the purpose of admission to Sheridan programs.
What English language skills does the English Proficiency Assessment measure?
The English Proficiency Assessment measures three skills: Reading, Listening and Writing.
Each Assessment section is described briefly below.
Reading Assessment
The Reading section consists of two parts: Reading Comprehension, and Skimming and Scanning.
Reading Comprehension requires that you read three passages of 400-700 words, and answer multiple-choice and short-answer questions about them. You will also complete a cloze section where you will choose the correct words to fill in the blanks in a passage. You will have 50 minutes to complete the Reading Comprehension part.
Skimming and Scanning requires that you read quickly to find specific information in texts such as newspapers, university calendars, web pages, and bibliographies. You will have 10 minutes to complete 15 questions. There may be two types of questions: short answer and multiple choice.
Listening Assessment
In the Listening section you will listen, first, to three short dialogues and, second, to three longer passages; the passages last from about one to five minutes. Each passage is followed by questions that are multiple choice or that require a short answer. In the first part of the Listening section, you will hear the short dialogues only once. For this section, the questions are recorded and are not printed in the test booklet; you will only see the answer choices. In the second part of the Listening test, you will hear each of the three passages twice.
The Listening section includes 40 questions and lasts 50 minutes.
Writing Assessment
In the Writing section, you will write a 300-350 word composition on a topic which will be given to you. The time limit for this section is 45 minutes.
What topics appear in the English Proficiency Assessment?
Reading and Listening material is taken from real documents such as newspapers, magazines, textbooks, and radio broadcasts. Topic areas include: agriculture, medicine, engineering, history, and education. All the texts are intended for the general reader/listener. You do not have to be a specialist in any of these fields to answer the questions.
In the Writing Assessment, essay topics are general and do not require specific knowledge.
How can I prepare for the English Proficiency Assessment?
- Attend an English Proficiency Assessment information session. Sessions are held every week.
- You can practice using the samples available in the English Proficiency Assessment Sample Test and Essay Questions
- A course in academic English would also be good preparation for the English Proficiency Assessment.
- Book a Practice EPA at the Trafalgar Campus, HMC Campus, or virtually. This session allows applicants who have been invited to write the EPA to practice the Reading Comprehension, Listening Comprehension, and Skimming & Scanning sections (but not the essay). The Practice EPA is not available at the Davis Campus.
What do the English Proficiency Assessment scores look like?
The Reading and Listening scores, called Bands, tell you your level from 1 to 5. Please see below for Band descriptions.
In Writing, your composition is evaluated by a trained assessor according to Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) on the scale from 5 to 9. Please see below for Writing CLB descriptions.
Based on your English Proficiency Assessment scores, the assessor may recommend eligibility for admission to:
- 1 Year Certificate or 2-3 Year Diploma program
- Graduate Certificate or Bachelor Degree program
- English as a Second Language program
- English for Academic Purposes program
- Academic Upgrading program
What scores do I need to pass?
For entrance to a 2-3 Year Diploma Program and/or to a 1 Year Certificate Program, the minimum language requirement is a score of Band 4.0 in the Listening and Reading sections, and a CLB 7 in the Writing section. For entrance to a Graduate Certificate Program and/or Bachelor Degree, the minimum language requirement is a score of Band 4.5 or better in the Listening and Reading sections, and a CLB 8 or better in the Writing section.
Based on rough guidelines, you must answer 60-65% of questions correctly to achieve Band 4.0, and 70-75% of questions to achieve Band 4.5.
If I don’t pass, what are my options?
Students who do not pass their English Proficiency Assessment may choose to enrol in the English as a Second Language program at Sheridan. You may also choose to take the English Proficiency Assessment again. English Proficiency Assessment re-takes are allowed after three months. The test fee applies.
Descriptions of Band Levels: Listening and Reading
5.0 Very Good User:
Very good command of the English language, even in demanding contexts; high degree of comprehension; only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriateness in communication, which very rarely impede communication. Level of proficiency is acceptable for full time academic study.
4.0 Competent User:
Generally effective command of the English language in fairly demanding contexts, with a satisfactory level of comprehension. Some inaccuracy and misunderstanding in less familiar contexts with more complex language. Weaknesses exist which sometimes impede communication, and could affect performance in an academic program. Additional language training would be helpful to improve accuracy, speed, and overall proficiency.
3.0 Limited User:
Fair command of the English language only in familiar language contexts or in interactions with a sympathetic speaker; limited comprehension; markedly reduced effectiveness in demanding and unfamiliar situations. Systematic inaccuracies and misunderstandings significantly impede communication and comprehension; additional language training is required before being considered for academic placement.
2.0 Very Basic User:
Some ability to function in highly contextualized, familiar situations, but no real command of the English language; frequent breakdowns in communication.
1.0 Novice:
Extremely limited command of the English language.
Please note that half-bands (e.g. 4.5) are awarded where a candidate’s performance exceeds that described in one band but does not fully meet the next higher level.
Descriptions of CLB Levels: Canadian Language Benchmarks – Writing
Main ideas are difficult to distinguish from supporting details; support provided is not adequate; uses many awkward sounding expressions. There is no clear progression of ideas and the message is difficult to follow. Demonstrates control of simple and compound sentence structures and has frequent difficulty with complex sentence structures; uses simple vocabulary and may have major problems with spelling and punctuation.
Introduces ideas and supports them with some details. There is some awkwardness in expression; arguments may not be clear. Writing causes strain for the reader and the message comes through and can be followed, but often with difficulty. Demonstrates good control of simple and compound sentence structures and is developing ability to use complex sentence structures. Uses basic vocabulary; word choice may be inappropriate; may have problems with spelling and punctuation.
Expresses main ideas and supports them with appropriate details; generally presents a clear point of view with only occasional lapses. There is occasional strain for the reader, yet control of organizational patterns is evident (for example, uses introduction, development and conclusion); uses basic connectors to organize ideas. Demonstrates use of complex sentence structures, with occasional difficulty and demonstrates adequate vocabulary for topic; some errors in word choice and word formation; accurate spelling and punctuation; errors are minor and slightly intrusive.
Expresses main ideas clearly and provides appropriate detailed support; ideas and evidence are generally relevant (only minor isolated problems); conveys a sense of audience although there may be inappropriate use of style and formality. Provides introduction, development and conclusion; has good control of paragraph structure; uses appropriate logical connectors. Demonstrates control of greater ranger of complex sentence structures with occasional difficulty and demonstrates adequate range of vocabulary; some errors in word choice and word formation. Demonstrates accurate spelling and punctuation; makes few spelling errors.
Conveys main ideas and supports them with convincing detail; clearly states and argues a position; has developed a sense of audience, using appropriate style and formality throughout. Presents text as a coherent and developed whole; uses wide range of logical connectors to achieve coherence within and across paragraphs. Demonstrates control of a range of complex and diverse sentence structures; uses an expanded range of vocabulary accurately and flexibly; errors in word combinations still occur; grammatical and occasional spelling errors may still occur.
Helpful hints
- Get a good night’s sleep before the assessment. Arrive at the Assessment Centre a few minutes before your appointment.
- Don’t let the thought of writing an assessment make you too nervous, although a little nervousness is natural and even helpful.
- At the Assessment Centre, when the Assessment Centre Specialist is explaining the instructions for the assessment, listen carefully and follow all instructions.
- Ask questions if anything is unclear; the Assessment Centre Specialist is there for that purpose.
- Most questions are in a multiple choice format. You will be required to choose the best answer to a question from several choices. You may mark an answer even if you are not perfectly sure it is right. The Sheridan Writing Assessment is in essay format.
- If one question is too hard, leave it and go on to the next.
- If you come to a section in the assessment that you cannot do, don’t give up on the entire assessment. There may be parts further on which are easier for you. Keep working.
- Work steadily and complete as many questions as you can.