Community Employment Services
Sheridan proudly contributed to community employment services for over 45 years and has made the difficult decision to close Community Employment Services (CES) as of March 29, 2024.
If you are a Sheridan student and looking for work, please visit Career Services.
If you are a job seeker in the community and looking for work, other Employment Ontario service providers ready to support your employment needs. Please contact Fedcap Canada to find a suitable employment service.
If you are an employer, Sheridan is still available to support your hiring needs through many of our other services. To access the diverse and skilled talent of Sheridan students and graduates, please consider our Sheridan Engagement Options. Whether you are thinking of hiring a co-op or internship student, looking to post a part-time or summer job for students, or you would like to host a recruitment information session for example, we are here to help. Sheridan looks forward to partnering with you!