Rose Streete
A 2013 YMCA Peace Medallion recipient, Streete helped transform her neighbourhood into a vibrant, livable community. She is now setting her sights on running for Ward 8 Mississauga City Councillor this fall.
In the summer of 2006, Rose Streete found herself homeless, jobless and penniless. With her fourth child on the way, her options were few. Living in a Mississauga shelter and a transitional home for a year with her children brought Streete’s life into full relief. It set the stage for a story of resiliency and resolve that would change her life and inspire others to overcome obstacles in the way of their success.
Surmounting her own struggles with emotional abuse, poor lifestyle choices and lack of self-esteem, Streete left the shelter and moved into Mississauga’s Colonial-Collegeway neighbourhood in 2007. Since then, she has built a reputation as a motivational force who gets things done, from gathering volunteers for improvement projects to hosting a community forum with the Peel Regional Police to lobbying political leaders for action on youth violence.
“Understand more. Fear less. ” - Rose Streete
Streete also continued to build on the Mothers Anonymous support program she created in 2005. “I decided, if not me, then who was going to bring about the change I wanted to see for my family?” says Streete, who backed up her experience with a respected Community Outreach credential from Sheridan in 2013.
A 2013 YMCA Peace Medallion recipient, Streete is now supporting young women in her community through the Setting the Stage mentoring project. She is managing the creation of a core group of successful women in the GTA who have motivating stories of personal determination and perseverance behind their accomplishments.
“You need to ignite a fire within your soul that pushes you when you are weary.” - Rose Streete
These powerful stories are offered willingly to those who choose to learn from them, Streete says. “Sheridan reinforced my belief in the ever-flowing milk of human kindness, which stands at the ready to fill you with the knowledge and courage to surpass any barrier and pursue your dream.”
The first step, however, is still yours to make, she advises. “You need to ignite a fire within your soul that pushes you when you are weary, motivating and inspiring you.”
Such words of wisdom are sure to help Streete meet her latest challenge: a run for Mississauga City Councillor in Ward 8 in fall 2014.
Learn more about Sheridan's Community Worker - Outreach and Development program.
Media Contact
Meagan Kashty
Manager, Communications and Public Relations