Recent Film and TV grad wins top student honour at the Canadian Society of Cinematographers Awards

Jul 20, 2020
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At the 63rd annual Canadian Society of Cinematographers (CSC) Awards on July 16, recent Honours Bachelor of Film and Television (BFTV) graduate Jordan Batchelor won the top honour in the Student Cinematography category. The awards, which recognize the artistry of Canadian cinematographers across 15 categories, were presented virtually this year due to restrictions in place during the pandemic.

Batchelor was recognized for his work on the short film Anemone. directed by his peer and friend Glenn McGarry. It tells the story of Will, a troubled young man whose violent actions lead to a lifetime of consequences.

The creative approach to Anemone. was centered on capturing and telling the story through powerful visuals, positioning Batchelor’s talent as a cinematographer in a leading role. “We had to think about the story on a purely visual level, which was both a difficult and extremely rewarding task,” he says. “Detailed planning paired with on-set spontaneity were part of the process.”

CSC’s Student Cinematography Award is sponsored by Panavision Canada and as the successful recipient, Batchelor receives industry recognition, a plaque, and a $700 cheque. One of two other nominees in the category was graduating Sheridan student Calvin Van Arragon for the film Hang Up!

“This is an outstanding recognition for Jordan and Calvin and Sheridan’s BFTV program at large,” says Carolyn Cox, Professor of Motion Picture Camera at the college. “Many past CSC student award recipients have gone on to become among the top international directors of photography in the industry.”

Learn more about Sheridan’s Honours Bachelor of Film and TV program.

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