Centre for Intelligent Manufacturing (formerly known as the Centre for Advanced Manufacturing and Design Technologies)
The Centre for Intelligent Manufacturing (CIM) merges technology and innovation to drive forward manufacturing expertise, technology and real-world solutions with immediate impact. CIM links companies of all sizes to Sheridan’s leading-edge expertise, infrastructure and interdisciplinary talent to develop new solutions and address manufacturing challenges.
We’re an integral part of Generator at Sheridan, where people with diverse perspectives work together across disciplines and sectors to spark ideas and advance solutions that really matter.
Collaborate with a leader of new solutions to manufacturing challenges, including the use of digital tools, such as simulating and modelling, as well as the increasing use of artificial intelligence in manufacturing systems and manufactured products.
At CIM, we work closely with organizations to provide an innovative approach that is relevant to current challenges and future opportunities.
Contact the Centre for Intelligent Manufacturing
For more information, please contact cim@sheridancollege.ca
NC-led SONAMI receives $4-million investment from Government of Canada
Niagara College has received a $4 million investment from the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) to enhance advanced manufacturing in the region through the Southern Ontario Network for Advanced Manufacturing Innovation (SONAMI). This funding will support clean growth, workforce development, and innovation, benefiting businesses and students alike. Sheridan College's Centre for Intelligent Manufacturing (CIM) is a proud participant of SONAMI, contributing to this collaborative effort.
Read the full article and learn more about this exciting development!
Advanced Gait Simulator Developed in Partnership with ABB at Sheridan College
Sheridan’s Centre for Intelligent Manufacturing was recently featured on CTV News, showcasing collaborative robotic research designed to reduce the rate of lower-limb prosthetics being abandoned due to inadequate fit.
This innovative project presents a fascinating opportunity to further push the boundaries at the intersection of empirical research, robotics and AI – with the mission to improve human lives.
Building impactful partnerships at health and tech conferences
The Centre for Intelligent Manufacturing (CIM) and the Centre for Applied AI were co-exhibitors at the Collision Conference, connecting with early to mid-stage Canadian tech companies to share information about their innovation supports and collaborative research opportunities in technology, manufacturing and AI. EDGE and the Screen Industries Research and Training Centre were also in attendance. At MaRS Impact Health, CIM participated as panelist and exhibitor, connecting with early-stage personal mobility companies who are part of the community driven MaRS Toyota Mobility Unlimited Hub, an initiative that helps these start-ups along the path of early-stage success to commercialization. As a partner of the Toyota Mobility Unlimited Hub, CIM collaborates with hub companies on applied research to demonstrate and develop their innovative products and services.
Unlock your Potential
Learn more about how the Centre for Intelligent Manufacturing merges technology and innovation to drive forward manufacturing expertise, technology and real-world solutions with immediate impact.
ProsFit and the Toyota Mobility Unlimited Hub
The Centre for Intelligent Manufacturing was highlighted in a Toronto Global article and video ProsFit and the Toyota Mobility Unlimited Hub | Toronto Global discussing the Robotic Gait Simulator project with our partner ProsFit with the support of ABB Canada. CIM and Sheridan are active supporters of the Mobility Unlimited Hub - MaRS Discovery District.
To view the video click here: ProsFit and the Toyota Mobility Unlimited Hub | Toronto Global
IRAP Visit and Acentury Research Demonstration
At the Centre for Intelligent Manufacturing, we recently hosted a visit from Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP) as part of our Contributions to Organizations (CTO) agreement to provide NRC IRAP‑supported SMEs access to expertise and technology testing at CIM. Mustafa Jaffer of IRAP visited while we demonstrated one of our CTO research projects “Automated Filter Tuning Solution” to our industry partner Acentury. Company President Frank Ye attended with his team from Acentury, with the CIM team of staff and Sheridan students presenting the project summary and showcasing the successful automated solution on a robotic cell in the lab.
Launch of the Mobility Hub Unlimited at MaRS
The Centre for Intelligent Manufacturing is thrilled to partner with the newly launched Toyota Mobility Hub powered by MaRS Discovery District in collaboration with the Toyota Mobility Foundation. The hub accelerates early-stage personal mobility companies towards commercialization. CIM Director Dr. Carolyn Moorlag participated in the launch panel discussion together with Milos Popovic of KITE Research Institute, Varun Chandak of Access to Success, and Alan Hutchinson of Prosfit – also our valued research partner for the Robotic Gait Simulator.
DiscoveryX Conference and Trade Show
The Centre for Intelligent Manufacturing actively participated in the return of the DiscoveryX Conference hosted by Ontario Centre of Innovation (OCI) as part of a full team exhibition by Generator at Sheridan. CIM was proud to demonstrate collaborative research projects broadly addressing sectors such as automotive manufacturing, med tech and logistics, and to engage in discussions with Ontario innovators and start-ups attending this Ontario innovation ecosystem event.