Access Community Resources
If you've experienced or witnessed sexual violence, the following agencies can provide support, help you access medical attention and assist you in reporting an incident.
Halton Region (Oakville campus)
- SAVIS of Halton (Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention Services) – for crisis support and ongoing support: 905-875-1555
- Nina's Place – Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Care Centre (Joseph Brant Hospital; enter through Emergency Room), for medical attention: 905-632-3737, ext. 5708
- Victim Services – Halton Police: 905-825-4777, ext. 4923 (ask for the Sexual Violence Outreach person)
- Crisis Outreach and Support Team (COAST): call 1-877-825.9011
Peel Region (Brampton and Mississauga campuses)
- Hope 24/7 – for clinical support for those affected by sexual and gender-based violence: 905-792-0821
- Chantel's Place – Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Services (Mississauga Hospital; enter through Emergency Room), for medical attention: 905-848-7580, ext. 2548
- Victim Services of Peel: 905-568-1068
- 24/7 Crisis Support Peel: 905-278-9036
- Family Services of Peel (2SLGBTQI+): 905-453-5775
Additional supports
- Support Services for Male Survivors of Sexual Violence: 1-866-887-0015
- Assaulted Women’s Helpline: 1-866-863-0511
- Talk4Healing for Indigenous women: 1-855-554-HEAL (1-855-554-4325)
- Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-833-900-1010
- Ontario Coalition for Rape Crisis Centres (OCRCC)
- Sexual Violence Resource List
Police services
A person who has been affected by sexual violence may require emergency assistance from police and/or may wish to have criminal charges laid. Police can also assist you by advising about available supports and resources in the community, including how to access medical attention.
For regional police services, you may contact:
Halton Regional Police (Oakville campus)
- 905-825-4777 for non-emergency
- 911 for emergency
- Or visit one of their Halton Police Divisions
Peel Regional Police (Brampton and Mississauga campuses)
- 905-453-3311 for non-emergency
- 911 for emergency
- Or visit one of their Peel Regional Police Stations.
For more information about off-campus resources and supports, please contact Sheridan's Sexual Violence Response Specialist: 905-845-9430, ext. 8430 or svrs@sheridancollege.ca