Two people seated in front of a wall of greenery, working on a laptop.

Kirsten Madsen

Kirsten Madsen

Kirsten Madsen


Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences

Kirsten Madsen has a Ph.D. in developmental psychology from the University of Sheffield. Her graduate research was carried out with the Sheffield anti-bullying project.  After returning to Canada Dr. Madsen worked with the Earlscourt Girls Connection, and later Community Health  Systems Resource Group and Population Health Sciences at the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children.

She has been a faculty member at Sheridan since 2003 engaged in teaching, curriculum development, and applied research. Her research focus is in the area of aggression, bullying, gender differences, implementation science, and the scholarship of teaching and learning. Currently she is the Principal Investigator on The Seniors Anti-Bullying Project.

Recent Publications & Conference Presentations
* Madsen, K., Franses, L., Ayenew, E. & Behnke, P. (2023). Solutions: L'affair de tout le monde. Boîte à outils contre l’intimidation des aînés par leurs pairs (1ère édition français).  https:/
* Madsen, K., Franses, L., Ayenew, E. & Behnke, P. (2020). Solutions: Everybody's Buisness. Senior to Senior Anti-Bullying Toolkit (1ST English Edition) https:/
Major, M., Pepler, D. Madsen, K.C. & Dion, S. (in prep). Listening to Indigenous Girls’ Experiences of Warmth and Caring: A Qualitative Study.

Teaching Interests

  • Psychology, Research Methods, Ethics
  • Psychology: Introductory, Developmental, Health, Gender, Addictions, Aggression & Violence,

Research Interests

  • Implementation Science, Bullying, Aggression, Gender, Collaboration with Indigenous communities

Conference Presentations

  • Madsen, K., Franses, L. (2022-10-21). Senior Anti-Bullying Project Tooklit: Implementation Plan. 50th Annual Scientific & Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology (CAG). Regina, Canada.

  • Madsen, K. (2020-10-23). Senior Anti-Bullying Toolkit. 49th Annual Scientific & Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology (CAG) (Virtual Format. Toronto, Canada.

  • Madsen, K., Franses, L., Rodrigues, R., Sousa, J. (2019-10-26). Senior to Senior Bullying: What is Happening in Ontario? Project. 48th Annual Scientific & Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology (CAG). Moncton, Canada.

Conference Proceedings

  • Madsen, K. (2018). Ontario Colleges Multi-college Research Ethics Process.

Journal Articles

  • Madsen, K. Listening to Indigenous Girls' Experiences of warmth and Caring: A Qualitative Study.


  • "Seniors' Anti-bullying Implementation & Evaluation Project". NSERC. College and Community Social Innovation Fund. $353,110. 2020.
    Kirsten Madsen (Principle Investigator), Kirsten Madsen (Principle Investigator) Kate Dupuis, Raeann Rideout, Babette Oliveira.

  • "Bullying between Older Adults". SSHRC. Social Innovation Fund. $239,999. 2016.
    Kirsten Madsen (Principle Investigator), Kirsten Madsen (Principal Investigator) & Pat Spadfora.

  • "Talking Back: First Nations Girls telling their stories". SSHRC. Research Development Initiatives. $122,835. 2003.
    Kirsten Madsen (Principle Investigator), Kirsten Madsen (Principle Investigator), Susan Dion, Debra Pepler.

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