A student playing the piano

Destination: Wedding! (2022)

Writer: Kodie Rollan
Writer: Jennifer Villaverde
Writer: Maria Aragon
Director: Ann Hodges*
Music Director: Stephan Ermel
Copyist: Adam Sakiyama
Dramaturg: Kevin Wong
Sound Designer: Kaitlyn MacKinnon
Producer, Musical Stage Co.: Ray Hogg

When a tropical storm descends on the island of Kapalaran, our “nearlyweds” are forced to move the beach wedding of their dreams indoors. This not-so-simple relocation immediately becomes the least of their problems. In the midst of a hurricane of drama and homicidal coconuts, our couple must let go of their best laid wedding plans and trust that their love will find a way through the storm.

“After almost two years of living a confined life because of all things COVID, all we want to do is create pieces that bring us joy. First Drafts has given us the opportunity to collaborate on an incredibly fun musical and we couldn’t be happier!”

– Destination Wedding Team

*The participation of these Artists are arranged by permission of Canadian Actors’ Equity Association under the provisions of the Dance-Opera-Theatre Policy.

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