Tuition Fees
The fees listed here are for the 2024–2025 academic year.
All fees, charges and deadlines may be subject to change. View more detailed fee information.
What does it mean to be a full-time student?
You're considered a full-time student if you're enrolled in:
- 70% or more of the required credits for your program each semester, or
- 66.67% (2/3) or more of the required courses for your program each semester.
Full-time domestic tuition fees per semester
- Year 1: $1,350
- Year 2: $1,350
- Year 3: $1,350
- Year 4: $1,350
Domestic tuition fees are regulated by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities and changes could be made by action of the Ontario government.
Programs with deregulated fees
The Government of Ontario has given universities and colleges the option to set their own fees for Ontario College Graduate Certificate programs and for certain postsecondary programs. The following programs have tuition fees set above the amount referred to above:
Diploma, certificate and postgraduate certificate programs
- Advanced Manufacturing Management
- Advanced Special Effects Makeup, Prosthetics and Props
- Advanced Television and Film
- Advertising – Account Management
- Applied Creativity and Innovation
- Business Analysis and Process Management
- Clinical Kinesiology
- Clinical Research
- Computer Animation
- Creative Industries Management
- Digital Creature Animation – Technical Direction
- Digital Product Design
- Environmental Control
- Game Development – Advanced Programming
- Game Level Design
- Human Resources Management
- Interactive Media Management
- International Business Management
- Internet of Things and Machine Intelligence
- Marketing Management
- Music Scoring for Screen and Stage
- Professional Accounting
- Project Management
- Public Relations – Corporate Communications
- Quality Assurance – Manufacturing and Management
- Regulatory Affairs
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL Plus)
- Urban Design
- Visual Effects
Degree programs
- Accounting, Honours Bachelor of Business Administration
- Animation, Honours Bachelor of
- Athletic Therapy, Honours Bachelor of Applied Health Sciences
- Ceramics, Honours Bachelor of Craft and Design
- Community Safety, Honours Bachelor of
- Computer Science, Honours Bachelor of (Specialty in Cloud Computing)
- Computer Science, Honours Bachelor of (Specialty in Data Analytics)
- Computer Science, Honours Bachelor of (Specialty in Game Engineering)
- Computer Science, Honours Bachelor of (Speciality in Network Engineering)
- Creative Writing and Publishing, Honours Bachelor of
- Cyber Security, Honours Bachelor of Information Sciences
- Early Childhood Leadership, Honours Bachelor of
- Electrical Engineering, Honours Bachelor of Engineering
- Experiential Design, Honours Bachelor of
- Film and Television, Honours Bachelor of
- Finance, Honours Bachelor of Business Administration
- Furniture, Honours Bachelor of Craft and Design
- Game Design, Honours Bachelor of
- Glass, Honours Bachelor of Craft and Design
- Human Resources Management, Honours Bachelor of Business Administration
- Illustration, Honours Bachelor of
- Industrial Design, Honours Bachelor of Craft and Design
- Interaction Design, Honours Bachelor of
- Interior Design, Honours Bachelor of
- Kinesiology & Health Promotion, Honours Bachelor of Health Sciences
- Marketing Management, Honours Bachelor of Business Administration
- Mechanical Engineering, Honours Bachelor of Engineering
- Mobile Computing, Honours Bachelor of Computer Science
- Multidisciplinary, Honours Bachelor of Craft and Design
- Music Theatre Performance, Honours Bachelor of
- Osteopathy, Honours Bachelor of Science
- Photography, Honours Bachelor of
- Social and Community Development, Honours Bachelor of
- Supply Chain Management, Honours Bachelor of Business Administration
- Textiles, Honours Bachelor of Craft and Design
International students
Tuition fees for international students (i.e., those who attend on a student visa) are $8,265 per term unless otherwise stipulated on the fee estimate. Tuition fees for some postsecondary and Ontario College Graduate Certificate programs are set at a higher rate and vary according to the program. View more detailed fee information.
Scholarships, bursaries and awards
Each year, Sheridan awards millions of dollars in scholarships, bursaries and awards to eligible students. Visit our Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards page for more information.
Part-time tuition
Students are considered part-time if they take less than 70% of the required credits AND less than 2/3 of the required courses in their program in each term. Students are billed on a per credit basis. For more information on part-time fees, visit the Part-Time Academic Fees page.
Sponsored students
Students who are being sponsored by a government department or other association are required to send a copy of their official letter of substantiation to Sheridan. Failure to provide the necessary documentation by the fee due date may jeopardize admission to Sheridan.
Additional courses
All full-time postsecondary students may take courses in addition to their regular curriculum at Sheridan.
Students may:
- Take courses beyond their full course load if there is space available; all course fees apply (i.e., tuition, administration and material fees).
- Replace courses for which they have been granted Advanced Standing or Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) credits with courses of equal credit value and within the same term if space is available; the tuition fee is waived, but all other course fees apply.
Program charges
Students in specific courses and programs are required by Sheridan to pay an additional amount for materials, kits and mobile technology service fee.
Postsecondary academic co-op fee
Collection of the $535 co-op fee will occur in the term prior to the actual co-op work term. Students must withdraw within the first 10 days of the term immediately preceding the work term to receive a refund. See the Cooperative Education website for more information.
Late payment fee
$150 charge for payments received after the fee payment deadline.
Replacement diploma fee
$50 charge for a replacement diploma
Health Science pre-admission testing fee
$50 charge for Health Science pre-admission testing
Graduation status verification fee
$10 charge for Graduation Status verification
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) is a process which evaluates experiential learning. A $108.99 fee is charged for each subject for which PLAR credit is being sought.
Visit our Parking page for information on parking and obtaining a parking pass.
Replacement identification card
$25 for replacement card