Full-Time Tuition Fees by Program
The fees shown here are for the 2024–2025 academic year, for Year 1 students only. Fees shown are estimates only and are subject to change. Fees are in Canadian dollars.
If you don't see fees listed here for your program, please refer to the program page for details.
International Full-Time Tuition
Domestic Full-Time Tuition
Program Fees
Ancillary Fees
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Additional fees not included on this page:
- Co-op fees: Co-op students must pay an additional fee of $535 in the semester before each co-op work term.
- Health and Dental Plan fees: Full-time and part-time students are automatically enrolled in mandatory health coverage once per academic year.
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If you're a registered Sheridan student, you can find details about your tuition, program and ancillary fees by viewing your Account Summary in myStudentCentre. (To view this information, select the "Financial Account" tile in your dashboard and then "View Account Summary").