Bruins Day
Join us on Saturday, October 1, 2022!
In the wild, Bruins are empathetic, joyful, social and altruistic, and each has a unique personality. In that sense, it’s fitting that they have been the symbol of the Sheridan community since the College’s founding in 1967. Over the years, that Bruin spirit has endured and been exemplified in all aspects of Sheridan life. On Saturday, October 1, join us in celebrating the first inaugural Bruins Day! It is a time for students, alumni, faculty and staff – wherever they are around the world – to connect with their fellow Bruins and celebrate what it means to be a part of the Sheridan community. We are all Bruins, let’s show how proud we are!
You can take part in the Bruins Day festivities! Here’s how:
- WEAR Double Blue.
- SHARE on social media: From your favourite spot on campus to your most vivid memory, we want you to share with us what it means to be a Bruin using #ProudSherBruin.
- CELEBRATE with fellow Bruins by attending Sheridan’s Homecoming festivities at the Trafalgar Campus.
- WIN prizes by posting on social media and tagging us.
- HONOUR the newest Sheridan Bruins Hall of Fame members by attending their induction ceremony.