Kilah Rolle
Faculty of Animation, Arts & Design
Degree: Corporate Communications
Year of graduation: 2006
“In April of 2005, I was working as a journalist in Nassau, Bahamas, and had finally come to grips with my decision to make a major career change. From Sheridan’s website, I chose the Corporate Communications Program as the way to transition from a journalist to a communications practitioner with a broad range of communication skills.
“The curriculum for Corporate Communications is quite intense and time consuming. I had to work quite hard to afford the program and rent. Also, my decision to attend Sheridan meant leaving behind a young son in the Bahamas for a year’s time — a very difficult sacrifice for me.
“Brenda Sweeney, Professor and Program Coordinator of the Corporate Communications Program, proved to be an integral part of my personal, academic and professional growth, and I am truly grateful for her mentorship.
“The kindness, awareness and care given by the program professors to their students, truly allowed me to benefit from their high level of expertise and industry experience.
“With great pride, I accepted my certificate in Corporate Communications on graduation day during the summer of 2006, in front of my peers and family.
“Shortly after graduation, I accepted a job offer as a Liaison Coordinator for Canoe Inc, a subsidiary company of Quebecor Media Inc. My ability to perform my job relies heavily on the skills learned and developed from the Corporate Communications Program at Sheridan.
“There are many reasons why I can now walk proudly among my colleagues here at work, and many challenges I have overcome to walk happily. The network of people I met while at Sheridan also instilled in me a great respect for those who are passionate about their work, compassionate to people around them, and real ambassadors for academic quality.”
Current Occupation: Liaison Coordinator, Canoe Inc.