Degree Breadth Electives
What is a Degree Breadth Elective?
All baccalaureate degree programs at Sheridan must include Liberal Arts and Science courses outside of the main discipline of study for the particular degree to satisfy the breadth requirements stipulated by the Post Secondary Education Quality Assessment Board for degrees.
Review Sheridan’s Degree Breadth Policy and Degree Breadth Procedure.
Degree Breadth Electives offered at Sheridan
Current Sheridan students can view the list of specific Degree Breadth Electives offered for the upcoming semester on Sheridan Central.
Below, you can explore some of the Degree Breadth Electives that are offered at Sheridan. Note that not all courses are offered in all time blocks.
Global Culture
CODE TITLE CULT10025GD Introduction to Popular Culture CULT14717GD Music: Structure and Culture CULT16048GD Italian Art and Culture CULT17545GD Introduction to Studies in Creativity CULT20457GD Voices from the Other Europe CULT20859GD Collective Memory CULT24754GD LGBTQ+ Studies CULT25288GD The Power of Voice CULT26529GD Creative Leadership and Problem Solving CULT34321GD Experiencing Jazz CULT34857GD Applications of Creativity and Innovation LITT30111GD Canadian Studies: Critical Approaches to the Canadian MEDA12129GD World Cinemas MEDA13672GD Cinema of Horror MEDA21493GD Activist Documentary MEDA23921GD Experimental Film and Creativity MEDA39798GD Film and Genre PHIL38845GD Existentialist Philosophy in Fiction and Non-fiction POLI11115GD Citizenship in Action POLI14681GD Canadian Politics POLI15817GD International Politics POLI23033GD Social Movements and Protest POLI24049GD Introduction to Global Governance POLI35589GD Words of Mass Deception -
CODE TITLE CWRT15389GD Introduction to Creative Writing HIST10101GD History of Film HIST11228GD Creating Public History in the 21st Century HIST11474GD Introduction to Medieval History HIST13921GD Modern Europe: From the French Revolution to World War Two HIST17370GD Early Modern Europe: From the Renaissance to the French Revolution HIST18653GD Art in a Social and Cultural Context HIST20066GD Mafias: A Global History HIST20444GD Twentieth Century Dictatorships: Modern Tyranny in Europe and the Developing World HIST25892GD Nations and Nationalism: A Global History HIST30001GD Cold War: A Global History HIST35436GD History of Fascism: 1870–Present HUMN15199GD Introduction to Realism HUMN15436GD Understanding Narrative HUMN19317GD Myths of the Greek Gods HUMN20261GD European Imperialism in Africa: Historical and Literary Narratives HUMN21518GD Mythology in Literature, Art and Film HUMN22605GD The Creative City and Culture HUMN24661GD Introduction to Critical Making HUMN25288GD Literary and Anthropological Narratives of the Early Americas HUMN30229GD Social Identity in Roman Epic HUMN3444GD Topics in Ecocriticism LITT14333GD Introduction to Popular Literature LITT14895GD Introduction to the Short Story LITT20004GD Gothic in Western Imagination LITT20065GD Troy in Literature and Film LITT23344GD Studies of Character and Culture in World Literature LITT23431GD Adaptation: From Text to Film LITT25000GD Women's Writing: 1900–1965 LITT25892GD The 21st-Century Novel LITT26367GD Gender and Sexuality in Literature LITT26710GD Illustrations of the Romantic Period: 1798–1832 LITT27028GD Heroes in Classical and Contemporary Myth LITT27733GD Life Writing: Personal Narrative and the Construction of Self LITT28661GD World Literature LITT29989GD Science Fiction and Futuristic Narratives: The Shape of Things to Come LITT30146GD American Road Narratives LITT36999GD Censorship and Literature: Critical Approaches LITT38634GD Topics in Canadian Literature PHIL10734GD Living our Digital Lives PHIL16311GD The Philosophical Life PHIL20102GD Contemporary Philosophical Issues PHIL23130GD Moral Philosophy PHIL24864GD Practical Ethics PHIL26544GD New Age Philosophy PHIL28877GD Philosophy of the Environment RELG16367GD Philosophies of World Religions RELG23672GD Goddess: Images of the Feminine Divine RELG24991GD Non-violence and the Struggle for Social Change: The Legacy of M. Ghandi RELG26529GD Representations of Religion in Media RELG30034GD Asian Spiritual Traditions -
Social Sciences
CODE TITLE ANTH16678GD Introduction to Biological Anthropology ANTH17028GD Anthropology of Health ANTH18731GD Cultural Anthropology ANTH20088GD Anthropology of Music ANTH26859GD Visual Narratives: Creative and Critical Analysis ANTH29332GD Secrets of the Dead ANTH33796GD Topics in Applied Anthropology: Living with Culture ANTH35288GD Special Topics in Applied Biological Anthropology ANTH37721GD Forensic Anthropology PSYC16571GD Principles of Psychology PSYC20210GD Introduction to Abnormal Psychology PSYC20410GD Psychology: Selected Topics PSYC22156GD Psychological Perspectives on Human-Animal Interactions PSYC22766GD Personality Psychology PSYC23491GD Social Psychology PSYC23796GD Psychology of Creativity PSYC24328GD Psychology of Emotion PSYC25026GD Psychology of Motivation PSYC25028GD Health Psychology PSYC25738GD Evolutionary Psychology PSYC26632GD Green Minds: The Psychology of Sustainable Behaviour PSYC26859GD Psychology of Sport PSYC28614GD Cognitive Psychology PSYC31212GD Psychology of Aggression and Violence PSYC32677GD Introduction to Addictions PSYC33000GD Developmental Psychology: Growth and Human Development PSYC35586GD The Psychology of Good and Evil PSYC37541GD Gender Psychology SOCI17221GD Principles of Sociology SOCI20009GD Social Policy in Canada SOCI20199GD Sociology of Food SOCI23551GD Youth Crime and Youth Justice in Canada SOCI23821GD Issues in Sociology SOCI26693GD Sociology of Deviance SOCI27028GD Dimensions of Social Inequality SOCI27198GD Sociology of Shopping SOCI28448GD Sociology of Sport SOCI39798GD Sociology of Urban Life SOCIE13314GD Introduction to Criminology SOCS10172GD Principles of Creative Problem Solving SOCS23314GD Creativity and Community SOCS25145GD Women, Gender and Society SOCS25288GD Group Dynamics and Creative Problem Solving Facilitation SOCS28658GD Mental Health and Community Wellness in Practice -
CODE TITLE PHYS13796GD Creativity in Physics SCIE10009GD Intro to Environmental Science SCIE11947GD Introduction to Biomimicry SCIE13672GD Anatomy and Physiology of Injury SCIE16206GD Solutions in Sustainability SCIE23796GD Concepts in Ecology -
CODE TITLE MATH17028GD Creativity in Mathematics
Board Undergraduate Certificates
As a Sheridan degree student, you can earn a Board Undergraduate Certificate alongside your degree without taking any additional courses. Earn one of the following specialized credentials by completing a specific collection of electives as part of your program: