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Mohammad Lutful Arefin

Ph.D., P.Eng. Mohammad Lutful Arefin


Faculty of Applied Science & Technology


Lutful, as he prefers to be called, holds a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Automobile) and received DAAD scholarship for his Masters in Advanced Materials (Nanotechnology) from the University of Ulm, Germany – the same city where Einstein was born. After successful completion of his Masters, Lutful received the ‘Talented young scientist’ grant from the Elite Network of Bavaria (ENB), Germany to conduct his PhD research at the Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramics.

Lutful has an Engineering work history in the manufacturing and business sectors both in the European Union and in Asia.  He has extensive R&D experience with Osram, Mercedes-Benz, Porsche GmbH and ABB Electronics and developed a method to synthesis nanocrystalline phosphor materials with longer optical lifetime in 2005 as a Master’s student at the University of Ulm. These crystals were used in LEDs for car headlights by Mercedes Benz. Lutful worked on the research and development of world’s first thermo-optical dilatometer while at the Fraunhofer Institute and analyzed the behavior of ceramic-based materials under extreme thermal stress. Lutful also developed ZnO-based ceramic materials with superior dielectric properties for ABB, Switzerland.

Lutful works in the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Technology teaching applied mechanics, fluid power, fluid mechanics and mechanics of materials.

As a proud member of the team who developed the world’s first brake-disc made out of reinforced ceramics (CRC) for Porsche GmbH, Lutful has had plenty of experience in the automotive industry. Recently, Lutful’s interests have turned towards HVAC with plans of researching heat pumps, thermostats and smart home appliances. Lutful has published a number of articles in reputed international journals, and has experience as an author as well as peer reviewer.

Teaching Interests

  • Automation, Hydraulics, Pneumatics, HVAC, Dynamics, Statics, Strength of Materials.


  • "Design and Development of water cooling systems for thermoforming process". Sheridan Research. NSERC-ENGAGE. $20,000. 2020.
    Mohammad Arefin (Co-Investigator), Amin Ghobeity (PI).

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