Frequently Asked Questions
Explore answers to frequently asked questions about Sheridan's participation in the Better Jobs Ontario program.
How do I learn more about Better Jobs Ontario at Sheridan College?
We strongly encourage you to attend a Sheridan College Better Jobs Ontario Information Session and Personal Consultation. We're happy to meet with you to discuss your Better Jobs Ontario application once you've attended a session.
What is Better Jobs Ontario funding?
Better Jobs Ontario is a financial support program offered by the Ontario government to help laid off workers with skills training find jobs in high-demand occupations in Ontario.
Better Jobs Ontario is a cost-sharing grant provided on the basis of need; applicants may be required to contribute to their training or education.
Better Jobs Ontario may cover such costs as: tuition, textbooks, transportation and basic living allowance. Additional support may be available to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities, dependent care, costs of living away from home and Academic Upgrading.
How do I know if I am eligible for Better Jobs Ontario funding?
Book an appointment with an Employment Consultant at a Community Employment Service Provider office. The Employment Consultant will assess your eligibility to apply for Better Jobs Ontario funding.
The easiest way to find an office is by searching 'Employment Consultant agency' using Google (or a similar Internet browser) from your home – your device can use the GPS/location function to find the agencies closest to you.
Visit the Better Jobs Ontario government website for general information about the initiative.
I am not sure which program I want to take.
Your Employment Consultant will assist you with your career plan. For program specific information, please visit our program pages.
Better Jobs Ontario applicants are required to research information about different schools. How do I obtain this information from Sheridan?
As a courtesy to help Better Jobs Ontario applicants with their research, Sheridan has prepared Program Profiles that address the questions you're required to answer.
What are the start dates for Sheridan programs?
Program start dates vary. Please visit the program specific page for detailed information. Intakes occur September, January and May.
How do I apply for a program at Sheridan?
Apply to Sheridan online at ontariocolleges.ca. Please note that a non-refundable processing fee applies which is payable to ontariocolleges.ca. Your application will take approximately 24-48 hours to reach Sheridan’s Admissions Department. Once received, Sheridan will send you an email with important information, including your application portal login instructions. For more information or help regarding your application, please feel free to contact ontariocolleges.ca directly at 1-888-892-2228 or by email: Ask-us@ontariocolleges.ca
I require a Better Jobs Ontario Acceptance Letter.
"Confirmation of Acceptance" letters are available only once you have accepted a Sheridan offer of admission. To receive an offer, however, you must apply to your program choice through ontariocolleges.ca, as noted above, and meet all program admission requirements through either transcripts or testing.
How do I know if I have been accepted into my Sheridan program choice?
All details relating to your Sheridan application, including offers of admission, are available through the Applicant Portal. You will also receive information by email.
Please accept your offer of admission at ontariocolleges.ca by the deadline. Once you accept your offer, Sheridan will prepare your "Confirmation of Acceptance" letter and let you know when it is ready. You will also need to print your Fee Estimate, which is available through the Applicant Portal.
What do I do with my Sheridan "Confirmation of Acceptance" Letter and Fee Invoice?
You need to submit a copy of both your "Confirmation of Acceptance" letter and your Fee Estimate to your Employment Consultant. They will send them to the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development with your funding application. The Ministry will decide if you are approved for funding based on this information.
Sheridan sent me a Sheridan username and password and I don’t know how to use it.
It is very important for your success at Sheridan to learn how to use your Applicant Portal. If you are having problems with your Applicant Portal, or if you forget your username and/or password, please call 905-459-7533 or 905-845-9430 and choose option 4 for the Contact Centre for Postsecondary Studies. An Information Specialist will walk you through the process.
What are the Sheridan program admission requirements?
All Sheridan programs require a minimum of an Ontario Secondary School Diploma with a grade 12 English credit ENG4C, or its equivalent. Some Sheridan programs may also require an Ontario high school math and/or chemistry and/or biology credit(s), or their equivalents. Please refer to our program pages for your admission requirements.
English Language Requirement
All instruction at Sheridan is in English. In order to be successful in a program, your communication, listening, comprehension, reading and writing skills must be at a level sufficient to meet the demands of postsecondary study.
Computer Literacy
Computer literacy is required for all Sheridan students’ success. The level of computer literacy required varies by program.
- If you attended a high school in Ontario: In most cases, you can request your Ontario high school transcript through the transcript request service at ontariocolleges.ca. Otherwise contact your most recent high school directly.
- If you have attended a Canadian college or university, have that institution send your official transcript to ontariocolleges.ca
- If you have attended a high school, college or university outside of Canada, all international transcripts require evaluation through either WES or ICAS. Please visit the respective websites for instructions.
All transcripts and evaluations must be received at the Sheridan Admissions Department via ontariocolleges.ca. Sheridan does not accept hard copy transcripts or transcript evaluations.
May I apply as a Mature Student for a certificate or diploma program?
To be considered for testing as a Mature Student, you must meet the mature student criteria:
- 19 years of age or older AND
- Have not graduated from high school in Canada or elsewhere
Mature students must demonstrate proficiency in meeting specific admission requirements. If eligible, you will be sent for testing of the admission requirements which demonstrate your ability to work at the postsecondary level.
If your testing is unsuccessful, we will suggest you complete a program of Academic Upgrading at a level appropriate to the program of choice.
For more information about Sheridan Academic Upgrading, please attend an Information Session.
What about my tuition?
All applicants at Sheridan, including Better Jobs Ontario applicants, are required to pay tuition by the tuition deadline to secure a seat. To avoid losing your seat, you must do one of the following by the tuition deadline:
1. If you have been approved for Better Jobs Ontario funding:
As soon as you receive it, email a copy of your Contract (Agreement) and Payment Summary to betterjobsontario@sheridancollege.ca
2. If the Ministry has still not made a decision about your funding by your tuition deadline, you must pay a $250 deferral fee and apply for OSAP to hold your spot. For more information about how to apply for OSAP, please visit osap.gov.on.ca.
IMPORTANT: If you choose this option, please obtain approval from your Employment Consultant or the Ministry.
3. If you have NOT been approved for Better Jobs Ontario funding, and plan to attend Sheridan by applying for OSAP or Financial Aid:
- First, you must apply for OSAP. For information on how to apply, please visit osap.gov.on.ca.
- Second, you must pay a $250 deferral fee to retain your seat in the program.
IMPORTANT: Students using option 2 or 3 are responsible for payment of fees regardless of whether or not they are approved for OSAP or Better Jobs Ontario funding unless they withdraw by the 10th day of class.
4. If you have NOT been approved for Better Jobs Ontario funding, but plan to attend using your own funds, pay your fees by the tuition deadline on your Fee Invoice. Please refer to the back of your Fee Invoice for payment options.
5. If you have NOT been approved for Better Jobs Ontario funding, you may decide to apply for the program's next available start date through ontariocolleges.ca.
Please remember, to learn more about program requirements/prerequisites, providing transcripts, entrance testing, program offers, and your “Confirmation of Acceptance” letter or your tuition, we urge you to attend a Sheridan Better Jobs Ontario Information Session and Personal Consultation. We are happy to discuss all details regarding your application after you attend a session! For days and locations, please visit the Information Sessions & Personal Consultations page.