Emergency Preparedness
Emergency Procedures
Emergencies can happen at any time, often without warning. It is important to be familiar with Sheridan’s emergency procedures to ensure your safety. Knowing what to do in an emergency will also make real situations less stressful.
You can prepare for emergencies by reviewing Sheridan’s emergency procedures and downloading Sheridan Alert! on your phone.
Active Assailant/Violence Alert Procedure
- Assess your situation. Consider your options.
- Take action
- Get out immediately, if you can
- Move as quickly as possible
- Evacuate whether others agree to or not
If you can’t get out, find a place to hide
- Find a secure space.
- Lock and barricade doors. Turn off lights.
- Be quiet. Hide.
Fighting is your absolute last resort if your life is in imminent danger. It’s your decision.
- Improvise weapons
- Be ready to fight for your life
- If safe to do so call 911, then call Campus Safety at extension 4044.
- “All Clear” will be announced through the PA system or Police will provide notice in person when it is safe.
Active Assailant Procedure Questions and Answers Questions and Answers (PDF, 173Kb)
Hold and Secure
A Hold and Secure is used when it is necessary to secure the campus due to an ongoing threat outside and not related to Sheridan (i.e., bank robbery nearby). Regular operations continue inside Sheridan.
- Stay inside the campus buildings.
- You may continue your regular indoor activities.
- Stay informed and follow directions. Information will be shared through the emergency notification speakers every 7 minutes. Updates will also be shared through the Sheridan Alert app.
- Be prepared. Emergencies can happen at any time. It’s important that we have a readiness plan to respond to any situation.
Hold & Secure Procedure Questions and Answers
Emergency Evacuation
An Emergency Evacuation is initiated when it has been determined that staying on campus is not safe. Everyone must leave campus immediately.
- Stay calm
- Collect your personal items (cell phone, car keys, jacket), if safe to do so.
- Turn off hazardous equipment, if safe to do so.
- Leave campus quickly and calmly.
Emergency Evacuation Procedure Questions and Answers
Medical Emergency
- Call Campus Safety at extension 4044, then call 911.
- Remain calm and comfort the sick or injured person.
- Provide first aid if you are certified.
- Follow directions from emergency personnel.
Severe Weather
- Be alert for weather warnings from Environment Canada.
- Take shelter.
- Download Sheridan Alert! and check the Sheridan website to receive snow day and other weather closure notices.
Click here to find out more information about weather-related closures at Sheridan.
Emergency Preparedness for People with Disabilities
This Emergency Preparedness Guide for People with Disabilities / Special Needs was prepared by the Government of Ontario’s Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management in partnership with the Accessibility Directorate of Ontario.
Emergency Preparedness Guide for People with Disabilities
If you require any Sheridan emergency procedures, plans or public safety information in an accessible format or with communication supports please contact beprepared@sheridancollege.ca or 905-845-9430, x2879.