Safety & Security Tips
Campus Safety Escorts
To request a Campus Safety escort, contact Campus Safety at 905-815-4044 or via the Sheridan Alert! app under Safe Walk
While the SSU is not currently offering SafeWalk, Sheridan Campus Safety is here to help! Campus Safety is available 24/7 to escort students anywhere on campus including walking students and staff to their vehicles, on-campus bus stops and residence.
Campus Safety Maps
Sheridan's Campus maps identify Campus Safety routes and indoor and outdoor Code Blue emergency telephones within campus buildings and outside on campus grounds.
Car Safety
- Keep your doors locked and your windows rolled up. Remember to lock the trunk, the hatchback or the tailgate of a van.
- Don’t place a mini replica of a license plate or any personal identification (e.g. name or address) on a vehicle key ring.
- As you approach your car, have your keys ready. Before entering the car check the back seat to ensure no one is hiding there.
- Store a spare key in your wallet, not inside or outside the vehicle. Thieves know all the hiding places.
- Don’t invite a vehicle break-in by leaving packages or valuables (cellular phones, textbooks, CD players) in sight.
- Take valuables with you, put them under the seat or lock them in the trunk.
- Periodically check your license plates to make sure they have not been stolen, switched or altered.
- If someone tries to get into your vehicle, drive off immediately. If this is not possible, use your horn to draw attention to what is happening.
- Consider your surroundings. Well lit, busy places are obviously the best spots to park. If you have to park in a poorly lit area and are concerned with walking to or from your vehicle call Campus Safety to arrange for an escort.
- Immediately report to Campus Safety any strange persons or behaviour you see in the parking lots or surrounding areas.
Street Safety
- Stay in well-lit areas. Walk midpoint between curbs and buildings, try to keep from using alleys or less travelled routes between buildings. And avoid bushes and wooded areas.
- Stay near people and avoid taking short cuts alone through vacant lots and other deserted places. Walk with someone else whenever possible and set up a buddy system with your friends.
- Carry only necessary cards and money.
- Do not stop to provide strangers with directions or information, especially at night.
- Do not jog alone late at night, or walk through the trails alone.
- Know the location of the Campus Safety Emergency phones around the areas of campus that you travel.
- If you suspect you are being followed:
- Be suspicious. Keep looking behind you so the person knows you cannot be surprised.
- Cross the street or change direction.
- Go to a well-lit area, enter a residence or building, go to the library; anywhere there are people and telephones.
- Notice and remember as much as possible.
- Report the incident immediately to Campus Safety or the Police.
Safety when Studying
- Avoid studying in isolated classrooms in areas of the campus that are infrequently patrolled, with little or no traffic, and in places difficult to access.
- Do not study in stairwells, doorways, and locker alcoves.
- Do not wear a personal stereo system or play music so loudly that you are not aware of your surroundings.
- Immediately report any suspicious individuals in the area to Campus Safety. If you are in the library tell a staff member.
- Know where the nearest emergency telephone is located.
Safety in the Workplace
- Know the location of the nearest telephone and distress alarm if you have one.
- Know the employees in other surrounding offices and be aware of their hours.
- If you are suspicious of people hanging around, receive strange phone calls, or feel threatened, contact Campus Safety.
- If you feel uncomfortable after someone enters your workspace, trust your instincts. Look directly at the person, make it clear you are in charge and cannot be intimidated.
- If someone you work with makes you uncomfortable, discuss the situation with a coworker you trust, your manager or with the Manager of Campus Safety and plan your response to potential problems.
- If you are working late, let someone know and tell them when you expect to leave as well as the general area your car is parked.
- If you enter a washroom and you suspect someone suspicious might be in there don’t call out – back out, go to a safe lockable area and phone Campus Safety for help.
- If you are alone or working late, and you encounter someone unfamiliar indicate that you are not alone. Say "My supervisor will be right here and will be able to help you".
- If possible keep the door leading to your office locked.