Emergency Phones
Emergency Phones = Direct Access to Campus Safety
Sheridan has 147 emergency phones, which have been installed for safety inside buildings and on the grounds at Trafalgar, Davis and Hazel McCallion campuses. Emergency phones provide direct access to Campus Safety, and a security guard is dispatched to the phone’s location in the event of an emergency or immediately upon request.
All Sheridan community members are encouraged to use an emergency phone to immediately reach Campus Safety when:
- You’re being harassed or feel threatened
- You’re witness to or involved in an accident or hazardous situation
- You’re witnessing worrisome or suspicious activity in progress
- You’re ill or require medical attention
- You require a SafeWalk escort
- You need assistance or directions
Emergency Phone Locations
Inside Phones
At Trafalgar, Davis and Hazel McCallion campuses, inside emergency phones are in yellow boxes, mounted to walls in corridors. Additionally, all elevators are equipped with an emergency phone or button, located near the panel.
Outside Phones
Outside emergency phones are tall, cylinder-shaped blue towers located along pathways and near parking lots.
Trafalgar Campus – x4044
At the Athletics Complex, the phones are located in wall-mounted stainless steel boxes with blue flashing lights outside the front and back entrances.
Davis Campus – x4044
Additionally, yellow emergency phone boxes can be found on external buildings on the pond side (back) of the campus.
An emergency phone is also mounted to the wall at the shipping and receiving dock.
Hazel McCallion Campus – x4044
There is one outdoor emergency phone mounted to the wall near the cafeteria.
Emergency phones located in the City of Mississauga parking lots adjacent to the campus building are connected to City of Mississauga Security’s dispatch desk.
View Hazel McCallion Campus Map
How to use an Emergency Phone
Sheridan has two types of emergency phones:
- Some phones have a large, red, ‘PUSH FOR HELP’ button, which directly dials Campus Safety Dispatch once activated
- Other phones have a numerical key pad and black button in addition to the red ‘PUSH FOR HELP’ button. It is recommended that in all circumstances, the ‘PUSH FOR HELP’ button is used instead of the key pad. It is the fastest and easiest way to reach Campus Safety.
Use your mobile phone or Sheridan Alert! app
Sheridan Alert! is a free, downloadable mobile app for iPhone and Android. Direct access to Sheridan Campus Safety is available by following the Security icon at the centre of the menu page.
Take a few minutes to program your cell phone with 905-815-4044