Roommate Matching Process
All students will have the opportunity to pick their own roommate through the housing portal after receiving an acceptance. Those who remain unmatched will then be paired with someone based off the answers that the student gives in their personality questionnaire – it’s super important to fill out the questionnaire as truthfully and accurately as possible!
Many residents come to college with great expectations about their roommate. Hopefully these impressions will be true. Stress levels have a tendency to increase during certain times of the year (i.e. exams) however, and it is important to be aware of these stressful times as you may experience some rough spots with your roommate. Here are some talking points for you and your roommate to set expectations early on to get the best start on living together!
Food/Shopping - It’s always a good idea to decide with your roommate if you and your roommate will be sharing food. If you plan to share food, supplies, etc., you may want to consider an agreement about who is purchasing the necessities (such as milk, bread, etc.), and any rotation you may have for these. Be sure to identify any food allergies or medical conditions that may be an issue.
Cleanliness/Cleaning Responsibilities - Roommates should discuss what is acceptable to each other in regards to cleanliness of the suite, and the regular cleaning of common areas. It is always a good idea to work out a rotating schedule as to who cleans what and when, and the ground rules for keeping the common areas tidy.
Privacy - Discuss times when you may know you will want privacy, and have a process for when things come up - what will the arrangement be in order to maintain equality and respect.
Sharing of Personal Items - Talk to each other about what is appropriate to share and not share (i.e. dishes, utensils, books, clothing, computers, appliances, etc.). Discuss if you need to ask permission to use these things - it is wise to set guidelines.
Noise & Study Times - Talk in advance about what your study habits and requirements are in regards to TV or music, guests, activities in the suite, etc. Come up with ways you can each promote a healthy study environment, and how you can help each other during exam times. Something else that is important is noise level in general, and what is appropriate during the week and on the weekends.
Overnight Guests - Consider how often you think you will have guests over and tell your roommate - also ask them how often they think they will have guests. Be sure to have a plan to effectively let each other know when one will have an overnight guest, and to politely let each other know when it is not okay to have overnight guests. This helps to maintain privacy, respect, and communication.
Smoking, Drinking, Etc. - Your drinking and extracurricular habits may affect your roommate without you knowing it. Residence is a non-smoking building, and drugs are prohibited, but it is important to make sure that everyone is on the same page about that. If one roommate is a smoker, good things to consider are ways to reduce the smell of smoke so it doesn't bother the other roommate(s).
Roommate Conflicts
Remember that it is normal for your ideas, feelings, or even habits to change – situations change too. Keep an open mind and be honest about who you are and what you expect of your roommate throughout the year, since you are now sharing your living space. If things change, be sure to let your roommate know. It is always best to discuss problems with your roommate, not with others. If you are having challenges with your roommate, we recommend speaking with a Resident Advisor (RA) for help if you need it. They may be able to give you some direction and advice to help mediate the conflict.