Residence Keycards & Emergency Procedures

Residence offers great security from the moment you step in! Our main entrances are controlled by card access, along with every one of our residence suites.
Our front desk staff are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to maintain access control into the building and to answer any questions you may have. We believe the safety and security of our students and staff is paramount. To that end, the Front Desk staff ensures that all guests provide valid photo identification and are signed in by a resident before entering the building.
In addition, Resident Advisors (RAs) complete rounds of the building nightly. By doing this, RAs are able to ensure that all access doors are secure and that there are no safety hazards. In addition to nightly rounds, all of the common areas are video recorded.
If you suspect suspicious activity, you are encouraged to contact the Front Desk immediately.
Davis Front Desk: 905-874-4393, ext. 73001#
Trafalgar 1 Front Desk: 905-815-4150, ext. 71001#
Trafalgar 2 Front Desk: 905-815-4150, ext. 72001#
If you have any concerns regarding safety/security, please contact one of the Residence Managers.
Being educated and aware is the most proactive measure you can take to stay safe in residence. Safety and security is also the responsibility of every resident. All the safeguards and rules put in place by the Residence management and the Institution are for your safety and protection.
To our parents/guardians: when your resident starts at Sheridan they will be extremely busy over the first few weeks. Social activities, academics, and settling into a new home and community will take up a lot of their time. We remind you that you may not always be able to get a hold of them when you call and that this is an expected result of joining a college community. Please remember that we cannot respond to inquiries about a student’s activities, room number, roommate, or account balance. All documents, including account information and refunds, are always delivered directly to the student.
If your resident is having any challenges or concerns in the residence, please encourage them to speak with our staff. Our staff will work with every student to ensure they are satisfied with their residence experience. In addition, our staff is always happy to answer any questions you may have, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Residence keycard
Upon check in you will be given an electronic room keycard. If you are locked out of your suite, you will need to contact the Residence front desk or your roommate to gain access. Residence Staff and Security reserve the right to see your key card while you are in the building.
Do not lend your keys card to anyone! This is a violation of security and you will be subjected to disciplinary sanctions. Do not leave your suite door open at any time; this would include having your door “propped open”. Each suite is equipped with a fire rated door that allows for a barrier if a fire was to happen in Residence. The suite door must be kept closed in order to allow for this barrier to work. Staff will remind residents to close their suite door while doing their rounds or close any unlocked door as required. Neither the Residence nor the college is responsible for missing items.
Emergency procedures
If you discover a fire in residence
Upon the discovery of a fire in residence, leave the area immediately, closing all doors behind you. Alert all nearby occupants, yell “FIRE”, and use the closest manual pull station to activate the fire alarm system and call 911.
If you hear the fire alarm
- Remain calm.
- Shut off any cooking appliances that you are using if safe to do so.
- Do not use the elevators.
- Take your keys if readily available, and use the nearest safe exit to leave the building and proceed to the designated assembly area. Depending on duration and/or weather conditions, students may be directed by Residence staff to a designated safe area inside the College.
- Before opening doors, feel the door/doorknob for heat. Open the door slightly to check for smoke. If you see smoke or feel heat, use an alternative exit if possible.
- If you encounter smoke in a stairwell while exiting, exit that stairwell where it is safe to do so, and use an alternative exit.
- If you cannot exit safely, return to a safe area – do not attempt to access the roof. Smoke rises and the roof access doors are locked.
- If you cannot leave your suite, or have returned to it due to fire/heavy smoke, remain in the suite, close the door (leave it unlocked for fire services to enter) and call 911.
- Seal all cracks where smoke can enter by using wet towel or sheets if possible.
- Keep low to the floor if smoke enters the room, and open your windows if it is safe to do so without smoke entering into the room.
- Residents will not be permitted to re-enter the building until the fire department officials declare the building safe.
Avoid fire hazards
- Sheridan Residence is a non-smoking building. Sheridan is 100% smoke free. Please avoid careless smoking and disposal of cigarette butts and ashes when smoking outdoors.
- Never dispose of flammable liquids or aerosol cans into the garbage chute/containers.
- Never force cartons, coat hangers, bundles of paper or oversized garbage into the garbage chute because they may become blocked, creating a hazard.
- Avoid unsafe cooking practices: deep frying, too much heat, unattended stoves and loosely hanging sleeves. Hot plates and similar items are prohibited as they are potential fire hazards.
- Never use unsafe electrical appliances, frayed extension cords, or over-loaded outlets. Use CSA approved electrical appliances; labels are normally present on the appliances to verify this.
- Carefully monitor cooking equipment.
- Never leave anything that may burn or cause a tripping hazard in the corridor, exits (inside and outside) and stairways.
- Always clean out laundry dryer lint collector before and after use.
- Turn off and unplug all appliances that are not in use, e.g. coffee machines, irons, toasters
- Ensure proper disposal of flammable materials, e.g. batteries, aerosols, electronic equipment
- “E-Bikes” and “E-Scooters” should not be brought to residence and are not permitted to be stored or charged in your residence suite.
Electromagnetic locking devices
Electromagnetic locking devices have been installed on the double doors within the lobby and are signed, “EMERGENCY EXIT UNLOCKED BY FIRE ALARM”. These devices have been installed for security reasons, but will unlock automatically when the building fire alarm system is activated. If there is an emergency and you discover a locked exit door, activate the pull station beside the door and the lock will release.
Emergency procedures for students requiring assistance
The Sheridan College Student Residence is responsible for the safety of the occupants in their premises under their control. Procedures shall be put in place on a case-by-case basis to provide safe evacuation of persons requiring assistance to exit a building during a fire emergency.
- Occupants with hearing impairment will be placed in a suite with strobe lights located in the bedroom, kitchen, and washroom.
- Occupants with accessibility needs may be placed in a barrier-free room, and will meet with a manager to discuss and review the emergency procedures and determine an evacuation plan.
- During an emergency, residence staff will activate the emergency procedure for these individuals.
Emergency lockdown of residence
In the case of a lockdown on campus, Sheridan Security will make an announcement throughout the campus. In the case of a residence-specific lockdown, an announcement will be made by residence staff.
- Students are advised to stay in their suites, remaining quiet and away from windows and doors.
- If safe to do so, turn off all lights, and engage the deadbolt on the suite door.
- Students should ensure that cell phones are silenced and on for emergency contact to be made if necessary.
- If outside, students will be directed to the designated external locations by Emergency personnel.
- Note that lockdown can take a considerable amount of time. It is important to wait and remain silent.
- Do not evacuate if a fire alarm sounds unless identifiable Emergency personnel make the announcement to do so.
- Do not open the door under any circumstances. All Emergency personnel will be able to access where needed, and will not ask for someone to open the door.
- An announcement of an “ALL CLEAR” will be given to indicate the end of lockdown. Emergency Personnel, Security, and/or Residence staff will conduct a door-to-door confirmation of this announcement.